What is cornice and its use?

اوحددکو - قرنیز چیست و چه کابردی دارد؟ - ohaddeco - what is the curnice and it's application? - قرنیز به نوار یا باند کناری که در حاشیه سقف و کف یک ساختمان قرار می گیرد و به عنوان انتهایی برای دیوارهای داخلی و خارجی ساختمان عمل می کند گفته می‌شود - A cornice is a strip or side band that is placed on the edge of the roof and floor of a building and acts as an end for the internal and external walls of the building

The Cornice is a strip or side band that is placed on the edge of the roof and floor of a building and covering end of the walls.

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