Landscaping, its steps and principles and costs

Landscaping refers to the art and practice of decorating and designing the open space around the building or other open spaces.

Landscaping refers to the art and practice of decorating and designing the open space around the building or other open spaces. This process includes the design and implementation of various elements such as plants, trees, fountains, seating areas and fireplaces, irrigation systems, lighting, signposts, etc.

What is purpose of landscaping ?

The main purpose of landscaping is to beautify and improve the beauty of outdoor space. But this action can also help to improve the quality of the environment, increase the value of the property, create recreation and relaxation spaces, improve the air quality of the region and protect natural resources.

Landscaping is done in both public and private ways. Public landscaping includes public open spaces such as parks, gardens and urban public spaces. Private landscaping includes private open spaces such as house yards, gardens and open spaces inside buildings.

In both cases, landscaping should be done in compliance with building and environmental laws and regulations in order to prevent damage to the environment and ensure people’s safety.

What are the stages of landscaping?

Landscaping design is a multi-stage process that requires attention to various factors to improve the beauty and efficiency of outdoor space. Below are some important factors that should be considered in landscaping design:

1. Type of open space

The type of play space that is considered should match the needs of the users of that space. For example, if the outdoor space is designed for children, appropriate and safe play equipment should be used.

2. Weather

Landscaping design should be compatible with the weather conditions of the region. For example, in hot and dry areas, dry-loving plants should be used, and in cold and wet areas, wet-loving plants should be used.

3. Safety

Landscaping design should pay attention to the safety of space users. For example, safe construction materials and play equipment should be used and rain and slippery should be avoided.

4. Use of open space

Landscaping design should be done according to the type of activities that are held in the open space. For example, if the outdoor space is designed for yoga classes, it should be calm and quiet.

5. Sustainability

Landscaping design should be done according to environmental sustainability. For example, native plants resistant to the climatic conditions of the region should be used.

6. Beauty

Landscaping design should pay attention to beauty and the use of natural and artificial elements to attract attention and decorate the space.

If these factors are considered in landscaping design, landscaping will be beautiful, efficient and safe.

The most important elements in the implementation of green space

The implementation of green space with the correct combination of plants and the correct arrangement of elements is eye-catching. One of the most important elements in the implementation of green space is the fountain, pond, gazebo, pergola, flower boxes, artificial ponds, lighting equipment, flowers and plants, swimming pool, flooring and sidewalks.

The cost of green space design

The cost of green space design depends entirely on the dimensions of the project as well as the consumables and materials used in landscaping. Therefore, the larger the dimensions of the site and the higher the quality of the equipment used in the area, as a result, the cost of design and implementation will also increase.

Color of the area

In landscaping, colors are the first elements that directly and indirectly become the center of people’s attention at a glance. Therefore, it is very important in the design of the area. Color can be added to the yard with plants or elements in the area such as paving stones, walls or fences and fountains, etc.

Important point in using colors:

Color attracts a lot of attention from people’s eyes. For example, if you use a flower box or white flowers, it will make other plant textures appear less in our eyes. But if you intend to create a center of attention in the design of the area, it is a suitable option.

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