LSF structure refers to structures in which light steel is replaced by heavy and powerful steel. The main skeleton of these structures is created by the static connection of light steel in large numbers to each other, and it is possible to easily create a prefabricated house by using them. Today, due to the increasing cost of construction as well as the increase in people’s needs and demands for houses and other environments, we see numerous constructions in different places. For this purpose, by using new systems, these costs can be reduced to a great extent and people can start construction with a more relaxed imagination. One of these new systems is the LSF structure system, which we will introduce and review from 0 to 100.
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What is LSF structure?
The LSF structural system refers to structures that are produced using thin-walled steel sections. Each of these sections is made of galvanized sheets that have a very high resistance against decay, corrosion and rust. In general, LSF structures are used as the main body and skeleton of prefabricated houses, which have become more popular today due to their lower cost and acceleration of the construction process. Currently and in the process of building these structures, efforts are being made to use less resistant steel and replace it with large amounts of steel sheets and bases to give us the same endurance and resistance even more. .
Considering that some countries, including Iran, are known as earthquake-prone countries, using such structures in them can be a smart choice in order to prevent irreparable damage.

How are the walls of LSF prefabricated houses?
According to the strength of the metal frame of these houses, it is possible to create walls in two ways:
Brick walls: As we said, the galvanized sheets used in the steel frame of LSF structures have high resistance. Therefore, it is possible to build walls in the traditional way, that is, by using bricks. But the thing that should be noted is that this process can be a bit time consuming.
The second method is to use aluminum sheets as the outer cover and wooden boards as the inner cover. This work creates two main advantages, which include sound and moisture insulation properties, and the second advantage is speeding up the project process.
Advantages of using the LSF structure
Accelerating the process of building a prefabricated house
High earthquake resistance compared to traditional houses
300% saving in cement consumption compared to concrete structures
Saving more than one ton per floor compared to concrete and steel structures
Lower cost than traditional construction

Implementation steps of LSF structure
Creating the foundation and foundation of the building using concrete to preserve the structure in the environment
Interior and exterior design of prefabricated house and creation of map
Cutting and welding of different parts of LSF steel structure
Placing different parts of the structure in place and installing metal parts to each other
Installation of external and internal walls using aluminum sheets and wooden boards
Sealing and insulating the structure
Adding mechanical and electrical facilities to the environment
Implementation of the roof in the LSF structure
Considering that the steel sheets used in the construction of these structures do not have the ability to bear several tons of strong concrete, it is almost impossible to use concrete roofs on these structures. But there are proposals whose advantages are no less than concrete roofs.
The use of metal trusses, which are mostly very light weight compared to concrete, can be a good opportunity to implement a light roof on these prefabricated houses. It is worth mentioning that the implementation of this ceiling alone can destroy the beauty of the interior. Therefore, it is better to use various false ceilings that can be produced in different designs and colors in its inner covering.
The implementation of this type of roof has exactly the same performance as a concrete roof. It means resistance to moisture and heat. The only difference between these two roof models is their resistance to excessive pressures, the resistance of metal trusses is slightly lower than that of concrete roofs.

Existing restrictions in Iran for the implementation of the LSF structure
The existence of space limitations
The presence of many walls and the reduction of free space in the environment
The need to pay financial resources in one go in order to build and install a prefabricated house
Lack of specialized workforce in this field on a large scale
Unacceptability of such structures in Iran and use only in urban garden environments
Difficulty in designing and building large windows due to the abundance of steel bases
The high cost of buying land in Iran
Advantages of producing a prefabricated house in Europe
Relatively low cost of land in Europe
The existence of culture and acceptance of prefabricated structures in Europe
The existence of sufficient expert force to implement these plans
The importance of speed and optimal time for the people of Europe and the need to quickly build prefabricated houses
Resistance to wind and storm for the needs of the people of this continent
Saving resources with prefabricated houses with LSF structure
In general, there is no outlet for energy in prefabricated houses. Creating dedicated masts and installing solar panels on them means that the owners of these properties do not need to pay for electricity. In this system, electricity consumption can be reduced by 100%, which will have a great impact on improving financial expenses.
In addition, due to the green architecture of these structures, it is tried to obtain water consumption through air humidity as well as rainwater storage tanks. It is worth mentioning that the water used in these houses, whether in the bathroom or in other areas such as the kitchen, has lost its impurities through two separate water purification engines and is ready for use in other parts of the house such as the garden, toilet and etc. As a result, using this item can reduce water consumption by more than 70%.
But how are the cooling and heating systems of these structures? In general, in the design and construction of these structures, it is tried not to use air conditioners, heaters, and heaters in order to take a step in the principles of green architecture. In general, in the installation of cooling and heating systems of these structures, elements are used in the back part of the internal wall coverings of the structure, which can manually adjust the temperature of the environment in a balanced way.

Opportunities to design and build LSF structures in Iran
Iran is known as a country with 4 seasons, which is the reason why we can witness the construction of garden villas in pleasant climates in all parts of Iran. Many people look at the construction of these villas from the point of view of investment, and all their efforts are to succeed in designing and building a beautiful and resistant structure with the lowest cost and the highest quality. In addition, the combination of modernity with modern architectural science is a good reason for this group of people to put the use of LSF structures on their agenda.
Now these structures can be an ideal opportunity to design and implement in the garden of villas due to their light weight and speed in their construction process. In addition, there is the possibility of producing them in different sizes, as well as the possibility of designing the interior of these prefabricated houses, so that applicants can complete their desired property within a period of 1 to 6 months.
The cost of implementing the LSF structure
In general, the cost of implementing LSF structures is determined according to various factors, including the amount of steel, the amount of concrete, the size of the environment, the quality of materials, the wages of workers and employers, and other such things.
In general, the consumption of many materials in LSF structures is significantly lower than concrete and steel structures. For a better understanding, it can be said that if the amount of cement used in a concrete structure is 20 tons, it is about 11 tons in steel structures and less than 5 tons in LSF structures. Also, the amount of steel used in LSF structures is half of the steel used in metal and steel structures.
Currently and according to the latest price research, taking into account consumables and other items, the cost of constructing LSF structures is 8 million Tomans per meter. Meanwhile, this cost for steel structures reaches more than 12 million tomans per meter.

LSF structures - resistant to earthquakes and storms
In Iran and in many European countries, there are two big problems called earthquakes and storms. Now the possibility of an earthquake in Iran and the possibility of strong winds and storms in Europe are more likely. For this reason, LSF structures must have the ability to withstand possible damage that may occur due to these two natural disasters. Due to the fact that in the lower part of these structures, we see basic concreting and the foundations of the structure are placed in this strong concrete, the possibility of its destruction due to an earthquake reaches less than 2%. In addition, the presence of large amounts of weak steel instead of small amounts of strong steel has created a strong static resistance in these buildings. This item can multiply the resistance of the structure against weak and strong vibrations.
But how is their endurance against strong winds and storms? As we said, the base of these structures is firmly placed inside a strong concrete. Also, the strong static connection between the steel sheets increases the weight of this structure and makes it almost impossible to destroy it against the wind. Therefore, the use of high-quality aluminum sheets as the outer covering and the use of quality wooden boards as wall coverings and interior flooring have been able to increase the resistance of these structures.
Building LSF structures using the DIY principle
In the construction of prefabricated houses with LSF structures, the original is used, called DIY or do it yourself. In carrying out this plan, all the LSF construction companies do is to prepare the metal frame and install it on site, and then send all the walls and other necessary accessories to create a complete house along with it.
In the next step, the property owners can simply install the exterior aluminum walls and interior wooden walls and make the environment ready to live by simply connecting a few pre-specified bolts and nuts.
It is worth noting that if desired, this work can be done by skilled people under the supervision of an expert.
Facilities available in LSF house with green architecture
The design and construction of LSF structures has always been done with the principles of green architecture in mind. Green architecture is based on the principle that the design and architecture of houses should be done in such a way that the least damage is done to the environment and also the elements used in the construction of the structure can be recycled and reused. In addition, the effort is to minimize the use of natural resources. Now, in the design of prefabricated houses with LSF structure, what are the facilities used?
Solar water heater
Solar panels
Water purification system for green space irrigation
A device for extracting water from air humidity and storing it in a source and connecting to a water cooler
Separate power tower
Rainwater source and storage system
Taking advantage of these elements can have a great impact on saving natural resources and then on people’s financial resources.

Production of LSF structures in Europe
The production of light structures has been popular in Europe since hundreds of years ago, but still, the construction of prefabricated houses with LSF structure has not become very popular. According to detailed research conducted on the internet and industrial platforms, currently Greece, Germany, France, Italy, etc. do not seriously use this style of structures, and most of these constructions are carried out in Portugal and Spain. will be Therefore, the creation of production workshops for the purpose of designing and implementing LSF structures can be a good opportunity to capture domestic and foreign markets in Europe.
Also, due to the expansion of the arrival of immigrants and investors in the field of property purchase to these countries, the design and production of prefabricated houses with LSF structure can be a good opportunity for the prosperity of this industry.
Final words
In general and according to the things that have been said throughout the article, building prefabricated houses with LSF structures can be an ideal opportunity to accelerate the process of building a house and also to create a suitable property with significant savings in financial expenses. In addition, by using this method, it is possible to help improve the environment of the region and reduce the consumption of natural resources to a large extent. Therefore, due to the possibility of designing and building these houses in different sizes and the possibility of designing with different styles of decoration and architecture, people can have their desired property in the way they want. Ohaddeco Group is specially engaged in designing and producing all kinds of LSF structures. You can contact us for more information and free consultation.