Principles of kitchen layout

The kitchen is a multi-purpose space that, in addition to cooking, is used for serving food, family gatherings, and even doing daily tasks.

Surely you all have had the experience of being in a small and messy kitchen. So much so that you are confused and embarrassed by being there. Surely, in those moments, you have thought to yourself that if more attention was paid to the principles of the arrangement of this environment, how much better the people present there could have had a better experience of being in the kitchen. The kitchen is the beating heart of every home. Where the aroma of delicious food wafts, the family gathers together and lasting memories are created. But the basic and beautiful arrangement plays a fundamental role in the efficiency and attractiveness of this space. Paying attention to the following points can help you have a better experience in this environment. Today, in this article, we are going to examine the principles of kitchen layout. So follow us to the end of the article.

Kitchen: Beating heart of the house

The kitchen is a multi-purpose space that, in addition to cooking, is used for serving food, family gatherings, and sometimes even doing daily tasks. The basic arrangement of this space will help you to use it in the best way and enjoy cooking and spending time in it. We all know that the kitchen is known as the beating heart of every home. That is, life must flow in that jet. To reach this event, you must follow a series of principles in its decoration. For example, attention to lighting, coloring, etc. You can also use parquet floor, acoustic and thermowall wall and floor coverings for more attractiveness. Also, conditions should be provided so that the person present in this environment can do their activities safely and comfortably. Do not hurry. We will review all of these. Stay with us.

The importance of kitchen lighting

We all know that lighting is one of the most important factors that can be done to make the decoration and architecture show in the best way. Previously, in an article titled lighting and its solutions to improve decoration, we have thoroughly investigated lighting. But we all know that proper lighting is one of the main pillars of the basic arrangement of the kitchen. Adequate lighting, in addition to increasing visibility and ease of doing things, can help make the space appear larger and create a pleasant and happy atmosphere. Using a combination of natural and artificial lights is the best solution for kitchen lighting. Of course, note that using too much light can also help to hurt the eyes of people in the environment. In such a situation, it is generally suggested by decoration design experts to use natural light as much as possible.

Psychology of color in the kitchen

The psychology of color is one of the most important factors that must be paid special attention to when designing decorations. You should know in which environment the use of each color spectrum is appropriate. Colors play an essential role in inducing mood and creating a pleasant atmosphere. Choosing the right color for cabinets, walls and ceramics can help make the space appear larger, create relaxation and increase energy. According to this science, colors are divided into four main categories: cold and warm, soft and sharp. We also know that in an environment like the kitchen, people need to be fresh. At the same time, some relaxation is also needed. For this reason, it is recommended to use some warm colors such as red, yellow and orange, along with cold colors such as white and blue. Of course, note that these colors can create a beautiful combination together.

Choosing the right cabinet for the kitchen

You know that the most important part of every kitchen is the cabinets. Cabinets occupy a major part of the kitchen space. Choosing the right cabinets with a beautiful and practical design, in addition to increasing the storage space, add more beauty to your kitchen. Let’s be more complete. To choose the right cabinet, you should consider several factors, which we will discuss further.

Definitely, the first thing that people pay attention to is the beauty of the cabinets. Of course, this issue is very important. Because when you use the cabinets of your choice, your mood will improve when working in the kitchen.

Another point that should be paid special attention to is the storage space that the cabinets should have. When choosing cabinets, you should not pay attention to the fact that they are beautiful. Beauty is important, but efficiency is also very important. Pay attention to the fact that the cabinets can accommodate your things well.

After considering the above, it is time for another factor. Cabinets should not be in such a way that it is difficult for people to pass through the kitchen. So note that you should choose the right cabinet according to the size of the environment.

Large and small kitchen arrangement

You may have encountered problems when designing the arrangement of small and large kitchens. The principles of arrangement in small and large kitchens are somewhat different from each other. That is, there are factors for setting up a small environment that should not be implemented in a large environment. In small kitchens, you should use the maximum available space and avoid crowded and scattered arrangements. It is also better to use more light and neutral colors to make your environment look bigger. But in large kitchens, there is more room for maneuver and creativity. In such a situation, you can use your favorite elements more and design the environment exactly as you like. Of course, this issue should not be a reason for wanting to decorate this environment too much. It is better to keep the minimal look in it.

3 ideas for a better kitchen arrangement

Use of houseplants

You know that plants have always been the symbol and inspiration of life. The use of plants gives freshness and vitality to the kitchen space and induces a sense of peace. They can also help to balance and improve the air in the environment.

Using accessories

Accessories are always known as elements whose absence does not harm the decoration, but if we use them, we can add more beauty to the environment. Accessories such as decorative dishes, paintings or beautiful vases can help make your kitchen more beautiful.

Creating order

Order plays an essential role in the beauty and efficiency of the kitchen. Try to keep your kitchen space neat and orderly by using shelves, baskets and organizers. Such activities can also be done in a better and easier way.

Thank you for joining us in this article. As you have seen, in this article, we have thoroughly reviewed the principles of kitchen layout. The basic layout of the kitchen, taking into account personal taste, needs and available space, can help create a beautiful, practical and pleasant space in the heart of your home. By using the tips presented in this article, you can have an ideal kitchen according to your desire and enjoy spending time in it. Remember, the kitchen is not just a space for cooking, but the beating heart of any home and the place to create lasting memories. We hope this article will be a useful guide for you in arranging your ideal kitchen. Ohaddeco Group specializes in the field of decoration design and production of acoustic, thermowall and plywood wall coverings. You can contact our experts for more information.

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