Reception interior decoration

The reception hall is one of the most important components of building decoration. Reception is the showcase of home decoration.

Surely all of you have the experience of attending small and big parties. Solution You may have had a good time at these parties or you may have had unpleasant moments. But apart from all these things, what is common in all parties is the importance of the atmosphere of the party. One of the things that can affect the way people spend a party is the interior decoration of the reception. Paying attention to the way of arrangement and using the right elements has a positive effect as much as the incorrect use of elements and space has a negative effect on the atmosphere of the space and the people present in it. Now, what is the correct way to decorate the reception? Today and in this article, we are going to explore this issue together. So follow us until the end of the article.

reception hall

In fact, the reception hall is one of the most important components of the building in showing the form of decoration to people. In other words, reception is the showcase of the interior decoration of a house. All these reasons are enough to know how important the decoration of this environment is. Many factors are effective on the beauty of the reception decoration. Perhaps the most important factor is the style of decoration. Of course, other factors such as lighting, furniture, painting, etc. are also effective. We will discuss more about these in the next sections.

Factors affecting reception decoration

پذیرایی با سبک دکوراسیون کلاسیک و مبلمان طلایی - اوحددکو - reception with classic decoration style and gold sofa - ohaddeco

Choosing a decoration style

We said earlier that the most important factor in the design of the reception decoration is the right choice of decoration style. Most decoration design experts recommend the use of three styles. Modern, classic and minimal. Of course, you should keep in mind that the use of each of these styles shows itself in a suitable environment. For example, in small environments, minimal design is the best option. But in large halls, classic or modern design can give a beautiful effect to the space. It is worth noting that this style should be consistent with the decoration of other parts of the house, such as the external decoration and facade of the building, bedrooms, etc. Of course, apart from all the things that have been said, in choosing a style, refer to your own tastes. By considering all the cases, you can make a logical choice.


In almost all receptions, the most important part that is visible is the furniture. The first thing to consider when choosing furniture is to match the style of the decoration. That is, for example, in the minimal style, it is generally recommended to use simple and sporty furniture. Of course, this same furniture can be a step forward in introducing the style of decoration. The next important point regarding the selection of furniture is to choose it according to the size of the space. Large furniture or small furniture should be chosen according to their similar space, otherwise they will completely disrupt the order of the environment. Don’t forget the comfort of the furniture. The furniture you choose should be comfortable in addition to fitting with other components, and this way it also helps people’s comfort.

سالن میمهمانی با مبلمان کرم رنگ و کاغذدیواری سفید - اوحددکو - Banquet hall with cream colored furniture and white wallpaper - ohaddeco
سالن پذیرایی با نورپردازی و مبل سفید - اوحددکو - reception hall with lighting and white sofa - ohaddeco


Lighting is the most important factor in showing the decoration components of an environment. This makes it very important. Lighting also has a high psychological effect on the people present in the reception hall. Of course, it should not fall from the other side of the roof with a strong light curtain. That is, we should not use lighting elements too much. Why? Because as much as low light makes people tired and dull, too much light also causes eye strain and fatigue. So pay special attention to basic lighting.


In decoration, the subject of colors is of particular importance. According to the issues in color psychology, colors have a special effect on people’s minds. We all know that in the reception hall we need to be fresh and show high energy. Colors are divided into three categories: cold, warm and neutral. Generally, cold colors are used in environments that are suitable for relaxation. So they are not suitable for reception. Now, using the combination of warm colors such as red, orange, yellow, brown, etc., as well as a neutral color such as white, gives us the best result in the design and implementation of the reception decoration.

مبلمان کرم و قهوه ای - اوحددکو - cream and brown furniture - ohaddeco
کفپوش و دیوارپوش سفید و مبلمان قدیمی - اوحددکو - floor covering and wall covering with white color and classic furniture - ohaddeco

Floor and wall covering

Floor of the reception hall is one of the most important components of this environment. Decoration designers recommend the use of wooden floors with a small carpet. The use of various ceramics also has many fans. Wall coverings are also one of the popular elements that can be used in the reception hall. One of the things we can recommend to you is the use of acoustic wall coverings, which have different types such as wooden, MDF, leather, PVC, polywood and plywood , and have a great effect on controlling the sound of the environment. Due to the fact that there is a lot of noise in the reception hall and during parties, which can disturb the neighbors, using these wall coverings is considered a good option.

Large and small reception decoration

We said that the decoration design of large and small receptions should be different. In a large environment, the designer’s hand is open to design different styles and implement various ideas. The designer has limitations in designing the decoration of a small reception.

For example, in a large environment, you have the possibility to implement a variety of decoration styles. You can use many elements. Among them, we can mention the use of large chandeliers, wide furniture and various accessories. You can also use different colors and different wallpapers.

But in designing the decoration of a small reception, your hands are a little tied. In this situation, you are no longer able to perform different styles. You cannot use large and royal furniture and you should use fewer accessories.

سالن با سبک مینیمال و مبلمان خاکستری - اوحددکو - minimal hall with gray furniture - ohaddeco

Accessories used in the reception hall

It is very important to use suitable accessories in the reception. Reception is a showcase of interior decoration. So you have to be careful in choosing each of its components. One of the routine devices used is television. Note that in large halls, it is better to use under the TV. Otherwise, the TV must be attached to the wall. Or, for example, the use of small and large pots, according to the size of the space, greatly affects the beauty of the environment. If your decoration style is classic, don’t forget to use a statue. You can also use wall clocks, wall vases, paintings and photo frames on the wall. We emphasize again that the elements on the wall should also match the decoration style.

Thank you very much for your cooperation with us in this article. As you can see, we checked the interior decoration of the reception together. We learned how the components used in this environment, such as furniture, lighting, flooring, wall covering, etc., should be in order to provide a very suitable space for family and friendly gatherings. We hope that the presented material was useful for you. If there is any question in your mind regarding interior decoration, you can contact the experts of Ohaddeco group right now to get free advice and get more information.

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